Ever wanted to create your own Sids ? Or just wanted to play around with your Midi-Keyboard and hear your beloved SID - Sounds ?
Never quite understood how to control Sid Tracker Software with the c64 standard Keys ?
It´s no longer a dream!
Download your Previw-Version of Sidmaster64 ( It´s a very early Beta - but Fun ! )
Connect your favorite Midi Controller Device to your C64 Midi Interface ( Or just use WinVice Midi Emulation ) and start jamming around.
Or stream your Favorite Midi file to your Commodore 64 and let Sidmaster play it.
Preview Video Link: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gkrlLxD8cKs
Maybe let me know if you liked it. Happy Christmas !
Download Link: https://www.dropbox.com/s/dq0jstetvk7h5sa/Sidmaster64.d64?dl=0